Are you an intercessor? An intercessor is one who intervenes on behalf of another, especially through prayer. According to Dr. Julie Hitchens (Spiritual Warfare), you might be an intercessor if…
There’s a constant pull on you to pray.
You have a deep concern for others who are living outside of God’s will.
You have a deep concern for certain regions and areas.
You have compassion to the point of tears for others who may not even be connected to you.
You get lost in prayer.
You have an inward assurance that your prayers will be answered.
You consider it a privilege to pray for others.
You sometimes experience emotional or physical pain when praying for others.
Provide prayer covering for AH leaders, members, and the community
Pray consistently over prayer requests placed on the prayer wall
Minister to others during altar calls
Intercede during worship services
Pray over emailed prayer requests (APFPrayerRequests@gmail.com)
Train intercessors and altar workers
Provide a monthly prayer calendar with specific targets—local, national, and international issues
Fast regularly with specific areas of focus
Coming: 24-hour prayer network